Service: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM to 4PM
Parts: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM-4PM
Sales: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM-4PM

Our Service Department

While all of our units are well built, they sometimes require a quick check, a little adjustment, or a simple repair. That is what our Service Department is here for!

At Recreation World RV it is our commitment to relieve you of your technical difficulties from the simplest to the most complicated of tasks.

We are here ready to serve you so please book your appointment today!



1 Axle

2 axles

3 axles

1 Axle


2 Axle


3 Axle



Regular Price







1 Axle

2 axles

3 axles

1 Axle

Regular Price




2 Axle

Regular Price




3 Axle

Regular Price




**includes seals and grease**

Book Your Service appointment Today!

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Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Prefered Method of Contact

Vehicle & Servicing details

RV Manufacturer *
RV Model *
RV year *
Max length: 300 characters

Did you know...


exterior slide gaskets are rubber and should be conditioned every 3-4 months, they will harden if not conditioned regularly; slide rails also need to be cleaned and lubricated every 3-4 months.


to achieve maximum performance and longer battery life, fluid levels in wet cell batteries should be topped-off at least once a month, both when the RV is in use and when it is stored – the posts/terminals should be cleaned every 12 months and an anti-corrosive spray applied.


clean your roof at least once a month, when dirt sits on the rooftop too long it embeds itself into the sealant causing voids to develop – inspect your rooftop sealant every 6 months for cracks and voids in the sealant, the sealant is applied around all of the rooftop objects and along all of the rooftop seams, including the radius which is the seam where the roof and coach sidewalls meet – when cracks develop it is a sign that the sealant is breaking down and when you see voids you know it’s time to have the sealant removed and a new coat applied


manufacturers recommend that tires be replaced when they become 7 years old regardless of the condition they appear to be in from the outside, many come apart from areas not visible to us.


jacks need to be cleaned and lubricated every 3-4 months to prevent dirt and debris from building up and working its way up into the jack assembly.


the refrigerator, water heater and furnace have exterior burner assemblies – in these areas dirt, spider webs, mud dabber nests, bee/wasp nests, rust and debris develop and collect – this debris build-up poses fire hazard for you and your RV as well as bogs down the systems to eventually cause component failure within the system – we recommend these burner assemblies be cleaned out every 12 months at minimum – our appliance service also includes cleaning your stovetop burners and changing your interior a/c filters


every 12 months your brake shoes should be inspected, braking system tested for amp draw and brake wiring inspected – brakes adjusted to proper settings – wheel bearings inspected and repacked as necessary

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated!

During the peak RV Season (April – September), our service department sees an increase in demand for RV Maintenance and Repair and as much as we would like to help everyone, we need to control our workload to better accommodate our customers as well as our staff. As a result, we must prioritize our Service to best serve everyone.


  1. Customers who purchased from REC World RV within last 3 months
  2. Customers who purchased from REC World RV within last 12 months
  3. Customers who are traveling through with Emergency Repairs
  4. Customers who purchased elsewhere with Critical Repairs


All In-Warranty Customers

During peak season, REC World RV, must limit the number of items at each visit. This is necessary to keep everyone out camping and enjoying their RV. If you purchased your RV elsewhere, we are limited to repairing only critical components to make sure you can use your RV. All cosmetic or non-critical components will be addressed during our off-season or by your selling dealer.

We are here to Help You

No matter how frustrating or disappointing your problem or situation may be – We have only one goal – to solve that problem or situation as quickly and competently as possible and get you back out having fun. We know how upsetting problems can be. But we are on the same team. We are here to help. Getting you back on the road as soon as possible is our mutual goal. We know you are frustrated; please collaborate with us. We will do our best to correct all problems to the best of our ability. We will advocate on your behalf with the manufacturer when needed. We want you to be having fun, not dealing with problems. The process goes much smoother and gets better results when all parties show respect and understanding. Problems do occur and when they do – we are here to help.

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We have updated our privacy commitment and are now collecting cookies to provide you with ads tailored to your interest across the internet. For more information about cookies and how to disable cookies, visit our privacy commitment. Learn more