Service: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM to 4PM
Parts: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM-4PM
Sales: Mon-Fri 9AM to 5PM
Sat 9AM-4PM

Park Model

We've got the right model for you in our RV Showroom online

For the people who aren’t about travelling but expect luxury at its finest, we at Recreation World RV also stock an excellent selection of destination trailers to suit most anyone’s needs. From a couples style destination trailer to a family style destination trailer with bunks and lofts for the youngsters, we’ll have something to suit your needs. Who says camping has hurt when this kind of luxury available to make life wonderful? Drop in and speak to one of our sale associates and take a look at what destination camping can be like, you’ll be glad you did.



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